The works mentioned in the text are:
Costa, J., Costa, C., & Teixeira, A. A. (2021). Did Smart Specialization Approach Universities and Firms?: The Role of Technological Regimes and the Innovative Processes. In University-Industry Collaboration Strategies in the Digital Era (pp.130-154). IGI Global.
Doré, N. I., & Teixeira, A. A. C. (2021). Empirical Literature on Economic Growth, 1991–2020: Uncovering Extant Gaps and Avenues for Future Research. Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies.
Doré, N., & Teixeira, A.A.C. (2022). Brazil’s economic growth and real (div)convergence from a very long-term perspective. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming, Center for Political Economy.