Research Bulletin Special Issue: a PhD Odyssey

The PhD Programmes at FEP

Ulysse remet Chryséis à son père (Claude Gellée, 1644 - Louvre)

Doing a PhD is a worthy, albeit challenging, journey. Doing it at FEP ensures students can carry out innovative and world-class research in economics or management sciences. There are currently two PhD programmes at FEP: in Business and Management Studies and in Economics. 

CEF.UP is a vital partner of both in actively fostering an environment favourable to scientific research. It ensures that students access cutting-edge research through Advanced Courses, Workshops, and Seminars. It also provides support by regularly offering grants and financing the presentation of PhD students’ work at the best conferences.

Indeed, graduate studies at FEP take place in a friendly and highly supportive academic environment. Still, each PhD odyssey has but one hero and its own unique trials and challenges. In this bulletin, we give voice to four: a small sample of the variegated tapestry of personalities and journeys that have enriched both programmes throughout the years.

Daniel Santos (2nd-year student - PhD in Economics) The PhD in Economics puts us in contact with world-renowned economists and helps us broaden the horizons of our research interests. After three semesters, I am sure that joining the Programme was the right step towards the academic, professional, and personal development I yearn for.

Jitpisut Bubphapant (4th-year student - PhD in Business and Management Studies) Looking back, it is fascinating how I've changed in the last four years. FEP has offered a vibrant environment for me to grow as a researcher. The faculty, especially my advisor, have truly been a source of inspiration. Furthermore, Porto is a multicultural, diverse, vibrant, and student-friendly city that suits everyone.

Luís Guimarães (Senior Lecturer, Queen's University Belfast - PhD in Economics) My PhD at FEP is the foundation of all my research work. It exposed me to the leading theories in my field and allowed me to interact with people from various backgrounds. It was demanding but simultaneously familiar and hospitable. Comparing myself with my colleagues abroad, my training and experience at FEP were as good as they could be at most European universities.

Maria Sousa (Models Analytics Risk Manager, BCP, S.A. - PhD in Business and Management Studies) My doctoral journey was challenging and rewarding. The interdisciplinary exchange in the qualifying year was remarkable, bringing together students from different fields to broaden knowledge and share perspectives. As someone with an industry background, I highly recommend the Programme for personal and professional development.

Why not start a journey like one of these? Both the PhD programme in Business and Management Studies and that in Economics are composed of demanding curricular plans offered by researchers and professors of international prestige and reputation actively involved in theoretical and empirical research. The success of the two programmes is most apparent in their significant contribution to the quality of human capital in academic and non-academic industries in Portugal and abroad. Join us!

Did you know that you can apply to one of our PhD Programmes until the end of February?

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