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FC6 - Departamento de Ciência de Computadores FC5 - Edifício Central FC4 - Departamento de Biologia FC3 - Departamento de Física e Astronomia e Departamento GAOT FC2 - Departamento de Química e Bioquímica FC1 - Departamento de Matemática

II Plant Abiotic Stress Forum | An integrative lens on plant adaptation

Abstract Submission Deadline: May 7th

The Integrative Biology and Biotechnology lab (iB2, LAQV-REQUIMTE) and Plant Stress lab (GreenUPorto), two leading plant research labs from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, Portugal, invites to participate in the II Plant Abiotic Stress Forum - An integrative lens on plant adaptationThis event will take place online, via Zoom, on the 29th of May 2021 and no charges are associated with the registration or submission processes.

All the already available information regarding this event, including confirmed key-note speakers, registration dates and means of contact, can be consulted at the event website, which will be updated, in a timely manner, as soon as new updates are in order. Nonetheless, some important dates and information are transcribed below:

Registration: April 19th – May 26th.

Abstract Submission: April 19th – May 7th (The guidelines for this submission are available for download on the aforementioned website).
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