The first results of the serological testing program for students at U.Porto are released

The first results of the serological testing program promoted by U.Porto and carried out by the Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto (ISPUP), between September 24 and December 15, included 6512 students from the different degree levels of the University, and show that nearly 10% (634) have IgM or IgG antibodies for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Get to know the predicted evolution of COVID-19 over the next seven days

ISPUP and the PÚBLICO newspaper established a partnership to provide a seven-day forecast of the number of new cases of infection in Portugal, its evolution by region, the number of deaths, hospitalizations and patients in intensive care units, as well as the reproduction number (R). The forecasts are available on the PÚBLICO newspaper's website.

The contribution of internships in Public Health Units to pre-graduate training in Medicine

An analysis by ISPUP on the curricular internships in Public Health Units as part of the sixth year of the Integrated Master's Degree in Medicine of the Faculdade de Medicina da U.Porto, showed that the inclusion of internships in the academic plan, helps students to better understand the scope of Public Health and the dynamics in the field, reducing their lack of knowledge regarding the specialty.

Parents project dissatisfaction with their own body image on their children

The study from ISPUP, which was published in the journal Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, also concluded that three-quarters of parents of overweight children are satisfied with their children's silhouette.

ISPUP invites the community to portray public health in photography

The second edition of the "Public Health in Photography" contest was launched. Anyone interested in Photography, aged 18 or over, can apply. The application period is open between March 15 and May 11, 2021.

ISPUP in the Media

  • EXPRESSO. "10% of students at the Universidade do Porto have COVID-19 antibodies. Men and foreigners are more common" (HERE); “COVID-19. There were fewer restrictions and fewer cases in the Summer than now: here are some possible explanations (which contain a reflection on supermarkets)” (HERE).
  • PÚBLICO. “COVID-19: if the situation doesn't improve, experts admit more restrictions and even new a lockdown"(HERE); “Henrique Barros: “Lockdown solves the problem” but “creates a whole series of other problems” (HERE); “Studies confirm “chronic” COVID-19 problems in patients” (HERE).
  • TVI24. "COVID-19: the number of outbreaks in schools is ridiculously small" (HERE).
  • OBSERVADOR. “10,000 cases in one day. The third wave of the pandemic is going to be bigger and more difficult to control (unanimous, experts say)” (HERE).
  • PORTO CANAL. The researcher Raquel Costa talks about the IMAGINE EURO project (HERE); The researcher Ana Cristina Santos explains what the HAPP-e project consists of (HERE).
  • NOTÍCIAS AO MINUTO. “Parents whose children are overweight are satisfied with their children's silhouette” (HERE). 
  • IMEDIATO. “Researcher considers that “Portugal must leap forward” in public health” (HERE). 

ISPUP Seminars

  • 27-01-2021: Determinantes comerciais e políticos no acesso às vacinas contra COVID-19 (HERE).
  • 05-02-2021: EU Health Security in times of Covid-19 and in the future! (HERE).
  • 19-02-2021: Is the aggressiveness of cancer care at the end of life a new quality of care issue for health care management? (HERE).
  • 24-02-2021: A gripe de 1918 e a Covid-19 representações e distribuição espacial no contexto brasileiro. Una conclusión histórica de las pandemias: La muerte como enfermedad social (HERE).

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