Depression is more frequent among older adults with low social support and no leisure activities

An ISPUP study has analysed the relationship between social isolation and the existence of depression in a sample of people aged 60 years or older from the city of Porto and has concluded that those who live alone are not necessarily those at greater risk of developing depression. In fact, the occurrence of depression is more frequent in older adults who lack social support and are not involved in leisure activities, regardless of whether they live alone or accompanied.

The experience of female cleaning service workers during the pandemic 

A project coordinated by the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Porto, with the participation of ISPUP, the Insituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto and the Faculdade de Engenharia da U.Porto, mapped the difficulties experienced by female cleaning service workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim was to understand the risks to which these women were exposed during the exercise of their profession, and to understand whether there was a worsening of their working conditions, generally marked by precariousness, during the period in question.

ISPUP awarded by the Portuguese Society of Allergology 

Researcher Mariana Farraia was distinguished at the annual congress of the Portuguese Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SPAIC) for a paper that evaluated the cost-effectiveness of administering an antiallergic vaccine in children with allergic rhinitis to pollen. The research analysed whether the cost of this therapy, whose price is around 250 to 300 euros per year, would make sense taking its benefits for patients into account, specifically for children between 10 and 12 years old.

ISPUP marked World Food Day with a webinar on how to eat more sustainably 

On October 16th, ISPUP marked World Food Day with the webinar "How to have a more sustainable diet". The webinar can be viewed on ISPUP's YouTube channel.

ISPUP is building a new website 

ISPUP is building a new website, and it will go live soon!

ISPUP in the Media

  • SIC NOTÍCIAS. “Depression is not necessarily higher in older people living alone" (HERE).
  • PORTO CANAL. "Consultório Program. Intervention of ISPUP researcher Vítor Tedim Cruz about the MIND-Matosinhos Project" (AQUI).
  • PÚBLICO. "Cleaning service workers: 22% suffered panic attacks during the pandemic" (AQUI).


  • 29-10-2021. Acre - Amazonia... the last frontier of tropical diseases (HERE).
  • 03-11-2021. 1st Porto One Health Day: A holistic view of health (HERE).
  • 26-11-2021. Sustainability of the Portuguese NHS: challenges and recommendations (HERE).

Short Courses

  • Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis (e-learning format) (HERE)

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