ISPUP and INESC TEC part of European project to benefit children and adults born preterm

The project, funded by Horizon 2020 and in which 20 institutions from 12 countries participated, sought to understand the risk factors associated with prematurity through the combined analysis of data from a fairly large number of individuals who were born preterm in Europe and who have been followed over several years in cohort studies.

High-impact exercise shown to help increase bone mass in adolescence  

An ISPUP study found that high-impact exercise, such as running and football, can contribute to increased bone mass in adolescence. The researchers found that the benefits of exercise are not only felt in the bones directly subject to the impact of physical activity, but also in those that are not.  Thus, high-impact exercise promotes overall improvement in bone mass levels.

What criteria do veterinarians use when prescribing antimicrobials to pets?

An ISPUP study found that most Portuguese veterinarians do not use specific protocols when prescribing antimicrobials to pets. The prescription is made empirically, through analysis of the animal's symptoms and without resorting to any examinations that prove the need to prescribe these drugs.

ISPUP researchers included in Stanford University Ranking 

ISPUP researchers João Paulo Teixeira, Nuno Lunet and Elisabete Ramos are among the researchers included in the latest update of the "World's Top 2% Scientists list", which presents the most cited scientists worldwide.

ISPUP in Infarmed meetings: November 19th

Henrique Barros spoke at the latest Infarmed meeting held on November 19th with the presentation "Entender como a pandemia evoluiu", which is available for consultation.

INESC TEC Autumn 2021 Forum 

On the 23rd of November, the INESC TEC Autumn Forum took place at FEUP's Auditorium. This is a joint initiative between INESC TEC and ISPUP, dedicated to the interaction between technologies and, in particular, Artificial Intelligence and Health. Henrique Barros, President of ISPUP, was one of the speakers. The session is available online for viewing

ISPUP in the Media

  • DIÁRIO DE NOTÍCIAS. “Vaccination has avoided 2300 deaths and 200 thousand infections" (HERE).
  • TVI24. "Henrique Barros defends that covid-19 has two annual waves in the winter and summer" (HERE ).
  • MULTINEWS. "Two years of pandemic in the world? Balance, lessons to be learned and advice for the future (according to the experts)" (HERE)
  • PÚBLICO. "There is a new database on children and adults born prematurely" (HERE)
  • RTP1. "'All is nothing without Health' Documentary with the participation of Henrique Barros" (HERE)


  • 26-11-2021. Sustainability of the Portuguese NHS: challenges and recommendations (HERE).
  • 03-12-2021. Project PrEP1519: Building bridges between research, health services, and youth: lessons learned with differentiated and integrated PrEP services for adolescents MSM (men who have sex with men) and TGW (transgender women) in Brazil.(HERE).
  • 10-12-2021. Twenty years of building the participation of vulnerable communities in Health and Right Responses (HERE).


  • Call for applications for a Junior PhD Researcher(HERE)
  • PhD Fellowships INPhINIT "la Caixa" - 2022 (HERE)

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